jueves, 10 de enero de 2013


Como hombres y mujeres de fe, nosotros no debemos ser movidos  por nuestras circunstancias naturales o por lo que las personas dicen o hacen. La Biblia nos dice en 2 Corintios 5:7 que caminamos por fe y no por vista porque la fe es más fiable, confiable y más fuerte. Moisés en Éxodo 14 se enfrentó con el mar rojo delante de él y los ejércitos egipcios marchas detrás de él, pero Moisés no estaba conmovido por los acontecimientos a su alrededor porque su enfoque fue enteramente en Dios y lo que tenía que decir sobre la situación actual. Aun cuando Dios le dio a Moisés la instrucción ' mover ', no vio el mar rojo como una barrera infranqueable o los ejércitos egipcios como una amenaza a la promesa de Dios para su pueblo. Moisés actuaba en la fe y el mar rojo se separaro. Por lo tanto, no nos debemos basar nuestras experiencias espirituales en sentimientos, emociones, lo que vemos, escuchan y el aspecto de nuestras circunstancias.A  los cristianos sus situaciones los  preparan para un servicio extraordinario. Es decir esa situación, lo hace  acercarse mas  a Dios. El es mas  que más que el  dolor y los  problemas.... Usted  necesita  abrir los ojos de su fe para que usted puede ver más allá de lo natural... 
As men and woman of faith, we should not be moved by our natural circumstances or by what people say or do. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we walk by faith and not by sight because faith is more reliable, dependable and stronger. Moses in Exodus 14 was faced with the Red Sea in front of him and the marching Egyptian armies behind him but Moses was not moved by the happenings around him because His focus was wholly on God and what He had to say about the situation at hand. Even when God gave Moses the instruction to ‘move on’, he did not see the Red Sea as an insurmountable barrier or the advancing Egyptian armies as a threat to God’s promise for his people. Moses acted faith and the Red Sea parted.  Therefore, we should not base our spiritual experiences on feelings, emotions, what we see, hear and what our circumstances look like. Christians, their situations prepare them for extraordinary service. That is, the more that situation, the more you draw close to God. The more that pain and trouble, the more your attention for God. You need no more than to open the eyes of your faith so that you can see beyond the natural.

As men and woman of faith, we should not be moved by our natural circumstances or by what people say or do. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we walk by faith and not by sight because faith is more reliable, dependable and stronger. Moses in Exodus 14 was faced with the Red Sea in front of him and the marching Egyptian armies behind him but Moses was not moved by the happenings around him because His focus was wholly on God and what He had to say about the situation at hand. Even when God gave Moses the instruction to ‘move on’, he did not see the Red Sea as an insurmountable barrier or the advancing Egyptian armies as a threat to God’s promise for his people. Moses acted faith and the Red Sea parted. Therefore, we should not base our spiritual experiences on feelings, emotions, what we see, hear and what our circumstances look like. Christians, their situations prepare them for extraordinary service. That is, the more that situation, the more you draw close to God. The more that pain and trouble, the more your attention for God. You need no more than to open the eyes of your faith so that you can see beyond the natural.

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