jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

We live in a world where we are governed by our senses – 5 senses – what we see, hear, feel, taste and smell. The battle we face is in our daily walk with the senses. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” How do we walk by faith when we are ruled by what we see and everything around us? How do we live above the senses? The world says ‘seeing is believing’ but the Bible reverses the order. When we believe, we see. But the unrenewed mind is always waging war against unbelief. If we have sight, we don’t need faith. If we have faith, we don’t have sight. Each excludes the other. To conquer the senses, your mind must be renewed by knowing the Word and acting on it. As a result of believing, we see. When we close our eyes to the things of this world, we will open them in a world of glory.
Vivimos en un mundo  regido  por nuestros 5 sentidos – lo que vemos, escuchamos , sentimos, degustamos y olemos. 

La batalla que enfrentamos es en nuestra caminata diaria con los sentidos. La Biblia dice en 2 Corintios 5:7, "caminamos por fe y no por vista". ¿Cómo andamos por fe cuando nos regimos por lo que vemos y todo lo que nos rodea? ¿Cómo vivimos por encima de los sentidos? El mundo dice 'ver para creer', pero la Biblia invierte el orden. Cuando creemos entonces  vemos. 
Pero la mente pecaminoso siempre está librando la guerra contra la incredulidad. Si tenemos vista, no necesitamos fe. Si tenemos fe, no tenemos vista. Cada uno excluye al otro. Para conquistar a los sentidos, su mente debe ser renovada por conocer la palabra y actuar en ella. 
Como resultado de creer, vemos. Cuando cerramos los ojos a las cosas de este mundo, las abriremos en un mundo de gloria. 


We live in a world where we are governed by our senses – 5 senses – what we see, hear, feel, taste and smell. 

The battle we face is in our daily walk with the senses. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” How do we walk by faith when we are ruled by what we see and everything around us? How do we live above the senses? The world says ‘seeing is believing’ but the Bible reverses the order. When we believe, we see. 
But the unrenewed mind is always waging war against unbelief. If we have sight, we don’t need faith. If we have faith, we don’t have sight. Each excludes the other. To conquer the senses, your mind must be renewed by knowing the Word and acting on it. As a result of believing, we see. 
When we close our eyes to the things of this world, we will open them in a world of glory.

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